Academy Consulting (also remote)

Our approach

You are faced with the challenge of setting up a personnel development and training program and are not sure where to start?
Of course, it should be innovative, scalable, target group-oriented, sustainable and resource-saving, and ideally, it should start at the push of a button when the time comes. Of course, you will be faced with many questions:


What training options are available on the market? Which media should you use for which training? What should you look for when choosing a provider/trainer?

We will be happy to help you understand your current situation, clarify questions and provide you with advice and support.

Successful practice is theory that works!

What are your benefits?

  • You develop your personnel strategically and use the tools that suit you best
  • You get a clear and structured overview of your current training needs
  • You get an overview of the required contents
  • You build your training program quickly and cost-effectively
  • Your program will be better accepted by your employees
  • You communicate your training and personnel development better
  • You have less fluctuation and higher employee motivation

What is the target group?

  • HR
  • HR development
  • Founder
  • C-Level

What are the contents?

We decide together which topics we will support you with – contents can be:

  • Needs & Implementation: What does my team need and where do we start?
  • Processes & Tools: What processes should we implement for staff development and what tools should we use?
  • Leadership: How can we engage our leaders so that continuous change and learning becomes natural?
  • Communication: What media do we choose and who communicates the development activities and when?

Find out more

Just write us – we will call you back!

Andre Ottlik

Andre Ottlik


[email protected]